Thursday, February 26, 2009

Give Texas homeowners foreclosure safeguards

I totally agree with the author of this article. He’s right that Texas is the worst one in the states that gives only 20 days to homeowners if they behind on their mortgage payment for 3 months or more before putting them on the streets. Last fall, Attorney General Greg Abbott called for legislation to extend the notice period and build in safeguards for property owners facing foreclosure. He proposed the Texas Foreclosure Deferment Act to give people behind on their mortgages a better chance to save their homes. He also sought legislation that debtors should give at least 45 days to cure the loan issues and contact homeowners and explain about the 45 day notice and lists options to homeowners have to try and stay in their homes. I totally with the author because it will gives fair way to homeowners to fight for the last chance to their home. Abbott also insist that Texas should pass stronger laws to protect homeowner in economic crisis and complete mortgage meltdown that has thrown the country into recession and I think might possibly lead into depression if not stopped. Of course, this bill won’t stop foreclosures, but it will sure give them one last chance to get them back on their feet and save their home from foreclosure

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